Charge your next board meeting with digital business experts from Elva
There are many questions about the digitalization of a business in boardrooms today. The major challenge is to understand how modern technology can infuse business models to create competitive advantages and shareholder value. Elva’s digital business experts are certified board workers and can provide the tools you need to get started with your company’s digital transformation.
80% of all businesses are still using traditional strategies to provide shareholder value. At the same time, a majority believe that digitalization will have a major impact on the way business is being done in the future. The domain where boards fall short in experience is how modern technologies can provide business value and competitive advantages. An insight that is hard to gain as technologists often are too techy and management consultants might be too abstract.
Our digital business experts have extensive experience in the intersection between business and technology. They are used to lead digital discussions as professional board members and have hands-on experience in how to design, build and implement digital strategies in medium to large enterprises. Why not invite them to your next board meeting and get some inspiration?
Digital Business Experts
Our digital business experts are senior management consultants with hands-on experience in change management and digital transformation. They can put modern technologies into a business context that make sense for non-tech people.
60 Minutes of Inspiration in Digital Transformation and Good Practices
How will technology change the landscape of your business and industry in the coming years? Is it a threat or an opportunity, or both? What is the potential of modern technologies in your business and how can you create value for customers and shareholders with digital strategies?
Our digital business experts are able to explain modern technologies in clear non-tech language that makes sense for boards and management teams. A new set of tools can be unfolded to spark new ideas of how to start up a digital transformation journey for your business. Our experts can provide both insight and hands-on tools based on their own experience.
What are the major technology trends and how will they influence industries in the coming years?
How do you get started in discussing digital opportunities within your business in the board?
Where do you look for digital opportunities and how do you support the CEO in executing ideas?